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gospel at home

"[...] At least once a week, gather your family and compliment them with the joy of Spiritism, implementing the Gospel practice so that Jesus' teachings can be an effective route of love and wisdom in your home…"  [1]


The Gospel at Home is a moment where we will strengthen our connection with higher purposes, opening our hearts to understand Jesus' teachings better, bringing a more peaceful atmosphere to our homes.


Quick guide:

  • Day and time: You will choose a fixed date to host the meeting. You can either do it alone or with your family members/roommates/visitors. Children are also welcome to join. 

  • You may put aside a glass (or glasses) with a small portion of water so you can drink after the meeting.

  • Start the meeting with a simple, spontaneous prayer.

  • Read a passage of The Gospel According to Spiritism – you can either start from the Preface or randomly open it, reading from the title that captures your attention, for example, The Promised Consoler.

  • After reading it, you (and all participants) should make a brief comment with your understanding of the passage highlighting how we can apply the moral teachings to everyday situations.

  • Once the comments are over, you will finish the gathering with a prayer, thanking God, Jesus and the good spirits for their support; you may also ask them to energize the water.

  • The gathering shouldn't take longer than 30 minutes. 


NOTE: The Gospel at Home is not a mediumistic meeting; it is a simple gathering to enlighten us on essential moral points.

Click here to read the complete guide from the International Spiritist Council.


[1] FRANCO, Divaldo. Joanna de Ângelis. SOS Família. Salvador: LEAL. 18ª ed, p. 64. (Available in Portuguese)

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