The Canadian Spiritist Council (CSC) was established to unite and connect the growing Spiritist community in Canada, scattered across its various provinces and cities, stretching from the Atlantic Provinces to the West Coast. It serves as the representative body, coordinating affiliated centres across the country. This initiative has been pivotal in fostering communication, facilitating the exchange of information and resources, and orchestrating national events that engage Spiritists from all corners of the nation. Our organization offers all affiliated centres guidance and support in English and French.
One of the primary motivations behind this pursuit of unity is to preserve Spiritism in its original form, as conveyed by higher spiritual authorities to its codifier, Allan Kardec; free from personal opinions and interests that might compromise the essence of the doctrine. By pooling our resources and collaborating, Spiritist entities in Canada have significantly broadened their reach and impact, providing even greater assistance to those seeking the promised Comforter.
Our overarching objective is to strengthen and sustain the movement's growth as a whole. We foster cross-group collaboration, share insights, and cultivate what Allan Kardec referred to as the core of the expansive Spiritist family, uniting us through the bonds of genuine fraternity.
Though we are still taking the initial steps regarding the Spiritist movement, with much to learn and develop, we are growing a community deeply committed to upholding Spiritist-Christian principles. Our 12 member centres, regardless of whether they were founded decades or months ago, have actively contributed to spreading Spiritist ideals throughout Canadian soil. This unity fortifies the Spiritist movement and bolsters each individual involved, providing them with a sense of belonging and mutual support.
We collaborate with the International Spiritist Council (ISC), actively participating in global initiatives related to children, youth, and family, Spiritist social communication, mediumship, and more. In addition to ISC, we join forces with organizations such as the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB) and the United States Spiritist Federation (USSF) for events like the North American Spiritist Educators' Meeting. We also seek avenues to empower Spiritist leadership in the country through training programs in partnership with entities like the Spiritist Federation of Rio Grande do Sul (FERGS) in Brazil.
In conclusion, the journey towards unity in the Canadian Spiritist movement is a long-term, challenging endeavour that unquestionably benefits not just the Spiritist community but also every individual seeking comfort in Spiritism within Canada. Here, they can find the doctrine in its purest form, untainted by personal biases and imbued with its comforting essence. We are confident that this effort will continue to evolve, giving rise to numerous beacons of light that will illuminate Canada.
By Thiago Leite